Pubblicità progresso Penso l'abbiano pensato tutti, recentemente. Pubblicit progresso?[...] Sedetevi a tavola con la TV accesa sulla pubblicit ! Primo spot: due complici e giovanili signore si confidano il segreto di come cancellare il cattivo odore delle perdite d... Posted on August 27, 2009 Continue reading...
PS3: non è mai troppo tardi. Hardly a surprise, but Sony got on stage today at GamesCom and confirmed what we've all knew deep down in our hearts: the new, slimmer PS3 is really real. It'll be out in the first week of September, and will retail for $300 (or 300 Euro). It's sm... Posted on August 18, 2009 Continue reading...
The Great Gatsby ‘Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known.’ Posted on August 17, 2009
Di Facebook e dell’inadeguatezza dell’offerta Web italiana. In breve, venti giorni fa, durante una tre-giorni a Monaco di Baviera, incontrammo un gruppetto di giovini locali intenti a festeggiare un addio al celibato e, pertanto, piuttosto allegrotti. Fu l'occasione per scambiarsi un paio di chiacchiere in... Posted on August 13, 2009 Continue reading...
Facebook acquires Friendfeed PALO ALTO, CALIF.—August 10, 2009—Facebook today announced that it has agreed to acquire FriendFeed, the innovative service for sharing online. As part of the agreement, all FriendFeed employees will join Facebook and FriendFeed’s four founders wi... Posted on August 10, 2009 Continue reading...